English 8C class information and syllabus

English 8C

Mrs. Mueller

~class outline~materials~procedures~expectations~


Welcome to English 8C!  We will be focusing on non-fiction literature, including some interesting autobiographies and biographies of famous and influential people. You’ll get an opportunity to write your own biography on a grandparent.  We will also complete a unit on folklore, having some fun with folk tales and legends.  Please share this information with your parents and have them sign below.


Curriculum outline:

  • autobiography: Diary of Anne Frank
  • biographies: research, report and present in small groups
  • folklore unit
  • 6+1 writing traits / writing 2-part essays  

Class starters include:

  • DOL/grammar
  • journal writing
  • vocabulary
  • independent reading (one book review/share near end of trimester)

Monday News:  choose one and share with class on your due date:

  • one “Feel Good News” article (summarize the article in a paragraph, 25 pts.)
  • one “Your View” article (write 5-6 sentences stating your opinion on a Letter to the Editor, 30 pts.)
  • your article due________________(+5 pts. if  handed in early)


Materials needed- please have by this Friday:

  • 1” binder, 5 dividers, looseleaf paper
  • blue or black pen and pencil
  • folder with pockets (just a cheap, plain one with no graphics- no prongs needed)
  • this information sheet  with parent signature (worth 10 points)
  • dry-erase marker (blue or black)
  • access to a travel / jump drive is optional but real handy when working on essays/reports


Policies & Procedures:

Assignments are due at the beginning of the hour

Late assignments will be accepted 2 weeks after due date and  will receive a 50% deduction from the earned score

Students have 2 days for every day absent  to turn in  missed work.  It is your responsibility to get missed assignments  from me. 

Three hall passes per trimester (planner is used as a hall pass, so bring it every day!)



Respect-for yourself as well as others.  Respect includes being punctual, prepared, polite, and productive.  Remember that if cell phones are seen or heard, they will be taken to the office.  No food or drinks in class (clear water bottle okay).

Every day – you are expected to bring your binder,  pen/pencil, planner, and reading book. J


I look forward to getting to know you.  I have great expectations for a successful and enjoyable trimester! 

Parents:   Please contact me with any concerns or questions.  My e-mail address is muellerm@d321.k12.id.us.


Thank you!   ~Mrs. Melodee Mueller


           ___________________________________________________ /   ________________

                                                 parent signature                                                                          date


                                        After recording, I will return this form to the student for reference.                                 3/09